Fair offers a jumpstart on higher education

Quakertown Community High School hosted its annual Dual Enrollment, AP and Electives Fair on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, which featured its newly expanded Dual Enrollment program beginning in the Fall of 2024. 

This program will offer nearly 100 new classes to high school students for college credit eligibility. These opportunities will allow students to begin their college education at a fraction of the cost and earn credits from the comfort of their high school classrooms. 

“QCSD is always looking for ways to grow and expand student learning,” said Director of Secondary Education, Michael Zackon. “We’re looking forward to implementing these exciting new opportunities for students interested in higher education.” 

These courses are made available in partnership with Bucks County Community College, Arizona State University, Harrisburg University and University of Pittsburgh. 

“When students graduate, we want them to leave these hallways prepared for the future ahead of them,” said Principal of QCHS Mattias van 't Hoenderdaal. 

The fair allowed students to “shop” around and learn more about the classes they want to take.  The entire high school teaching team also attended to answer any questions from students and community members.  

“The fair helps us be interactive with the material firsthand and gives us visuals of courses before we decide to take them,” said Anna Greenday, tenth grade student ambassador.  

“I want to pursue psychology in the future, and the fair helps me understand the subject better and narrow down my career options,” added Riley McGinty, fellow tenth grade student ambassador. 

The fair offered many opportunities for students to get immersed in all kinds of subjects. QCSD will continue to provide students with ample opportunities to get ahead in their careers, and to reach their highest potential. 

“Our students showcase the quality of the Quakertown education,” said Superintendent of Schools Dr. Matthew Friedman. “It was amazing to see these students excited and ready to conquer their next chapter.” 

“No matter what path these students decide to go down, Quakertown has the teachers and programs to help guide them,” said George Banas, PLTW teacher and football coach at QCHS.